Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Leap of Faith

Well, here I go again. Making more decisions. I've learned that over the last few weeks, the decisions I've made recently will impact me for the next few years and ultimately the rest of my life. We've decided to sign a lease for a year. I decided to make the transition from public schools to Montessori School. And tonight, I decided to not student teach.

I'll be honest, my head and my heart have been going at it for weeks with this decision. My head is telling me "Just do it! You're so close!" And my heart is telling me, "Is this really what you want?" I've worked my tail off for the last three years to get my teaching degree. I got an A in every single education class I've taken. I passed all the state licencing/certification tests! All 4 of them! And after a lot of thought, the decision was made. I took student teaching, 2 practicums, and my last two education classes off my class schedule. I will officially graduate in December with my FCS degree.

This hasn't been an easy decision. For the last two years I've begged the education department director to assign me to Laura Logan for my student teaching. And the professors gladly paired us up. I couldn't imagine a more exciting 8 weeks with a woman who is one of the strongest and caring educators I know. But, I've realized one thing. It's not what I want anymore. My heart is pulling me closer and closer to Woodland Montessori. It's telling me that it's where I belong. And I agree. I can't help but smile when I see the kids doing their work and choosing what they want to learn. The teachers and students are more then I could ask for. And I believe in the philosophy whole heartedly. It's meant to be.

So here begins my leap of faith :)

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