Sunday, July 17, 2011

Even On My Weakest Days, I Get A Little Bit Stronger

Thank God last week is over. More importantly, the last 3 weeks are finally over. In the last three weeks...

Two incredible women (Karen & Andrea) went home after long battles with breast cancer. But, I know they're doing great things in heaven.

Buster was diagnosed with Stage III Lymphoma

We had a major blow up with our land lord, but are getting our windows after an increase in rent

I got a new job :)

I went to the allergist and am allergic to over 40 of the 54 things I was tested for and start a 5 year series of allergy shots in September.

We decided to give Angel to my parents

Whew, is your head spinning?!? Because my mind is still racing and trying to recover. When it rains, it definitely pours. However, God is good and he's gotten me through the last three weeks alive. Once again, things are beginning to fall into place. The next few weeks and months are definitely going to be difficult, but an adventure at the same time. In a little less than a month we will be moved into our new house and in 56 days... WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!

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