Thursday, July 7, 2011

God, grant me the serenity...

After writing my last post, I finally felt like my life was getting back to normal and I had a little more control over it. Boy was I wrong! The last week has been by far the most stressful week of my life. More stressful then finals week (all of them combined), wedding planning, or anything else. I'm pulling my hair out right now and haven't cried this much in years. I'll admit, when we got engaged at 18 and decided to get married at 20, I knew I had a challenging couple years ahead. I expected that I would to have to deal with things that normal 20 year olds wouldn't have to experience. However, I did not sign up for a psycho landlord or all of stress we've been through with this house.

I never thought that at 20 I would...

Be an emotional wreck over a house (that I didn't even own)
Freak out over the number of guests invited to our wedding
Make a minor (yet major) career change
Not want to teach in public schools
Call my Mom at 11:00 at night not able to speak because of the tears

I just want a safe place to live, have a nice wedding, find a job I love, and live happily ever after. Is that to much to ask?!? I think not.
I've worked too hard to get anything less then that!

Regardless of all that's going on, I'm blessed to have people that stand by me 100%. I bragged on Tyler last post, so now it's time to brag on Mom. After calling her out of bed at 11:00 p.m. (when she has to get up at 4 a.m.) I was once again reassured that everything was going to be alright. Of course things are going to be alright, because Mom is always there to catch me when I'm about to fall flat on my face. Figuratively and literally. She refuses to watch her daughter struggle. She knows what I've went through to get where I'm at and fights for me every step of the way. She's been in my shoes and has went through much more than I have and does all she can to help me and Tyler out. And she will always go great lengths to make sure we're taken care of. I am by no means spoiled, just simply blessed by a mother who understands what I'm going through and does everything she can to help. As long as I have her (and Tyler & my family & friends) I'm the richest person to ever live.
I wouldn't trade them for the world. 

The one prayer that came to my mind tonight was
 "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the different."
Can I hear an Amen!


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