Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm Taking A Stand Against Breast Cancer!

Over the last few weeks I'm realizing just how important the name of my blog is to me. The Pink Ribbons portion that is. As some of you may know, I'm walking in the Susan G. Komen 3 Day walk two weeks after my wedding! Not only will I be walking 60 miles (20 miles every day) but I also have to raise $2300! While my 3 day website can only say a paragraph or two, I wanted to take the time to explain my "Why".

My list of "Whys" continues to grow as each day passes. It seems like every day I hear of another person affected by breast cancer or someone battling this horrible disease. I first became acquainted with breast cancer almost six years ago when I started dating Tyler. His grandmother, who I claim as my own now, was finishing up her radiation treatment as I made my way into the family. It didn't hit me until a couple of years ago how thankful I am that they caught her cancer early and were able to get rid of it fast. I don't know what I'd do without her.

Furthermore, my maternal grandmother was diagnosed with Stage I breast cancer last July. I on the other hand didn't find out until November. My family is beyond complicated. For over four years I didn't speak to my grandmother because our family was basically split in half over the selling of my Papa's business. After receiving the news of her diagnosis I was crushed and for the first time in four years, the possibility that I'd never get to see her again kicked in. It's really sad that cancer made me realize that. Thankfully, we pushed all hard feeling aside and we were reunited in April. She is not in remission and doing very well. Again, I don't know what I'd do without this strong woman.

And last but not least, the biggest reason I walk: for the women who courageously fought this battle and have went home to God. My heart breaks for these women and their families. However, I can't help but want to celebrate them for all they've done. These women didn't lose their battle. They've won the battle and are now in heaven... cancer free!

So again, if you would like to donate to my walk and give money to cancer research, please visit my 3 Day website: www.the3day.org/goto/KelseySager

Every dollar gets us closer to a cure! Because everyone deserves a lifetime!

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