Saturday, July 30, 2011

It's The Little Things

Today I again had another realization of how blessed I am. I have a wonderful family. Both old and new.  Both my parents and my future in-laws spent most of their day helping Tyler and I work on our new house. My mind was pretty scattered as I tried to figure out what needed to be done and what couldn't be done before the new windows are put in. But we got a lot done! As I stood in the bathroom with both of my parents as they worked on our sink and measured the bath tub, tears began running down my face. When I realized what was happening I walked into the next room to get myself together. At first I couldn't figure out why my body decided cry. However, it didn't take me long to realize why. My parents are one of my biggest blessings. And the sad thing is that I didn't realized it until a couple years ago.

To be honest, my Mom and I didn't have a great relationship when I was a teenager. We were far from friends. I hit a rebellious stage during high school and was very defiant of everything my Mom said or told me to do. When I turned thirteen she told me that I wouldn't like her until I was 19. Oh how true that was! On my eighteenth birthday my Mom gave me one of my greatest possessions. A book called "I Liked You At 10, I'll Like You Again." It's a book of poems about children and their relationships with their mothers from age 1-21. For each year my Mom put a special little note for every milestone I hit. And at the end, there's a poem about how children leave the nest and get married. There isn't a better title to describe my relationship with my mother. She liked me at 10 and now she likes me again :)

So, back to our house. The last few months have been an emotional rollercoaster with our new house. Our land lord is crazy (no joke). We're realizing the financial pressure that is about to be put on us in 10 days when we mail out our rent check. But through it all our parents have been very supportive. Especially mine. I know I'm biased, but my parents have bent over backwards for Tyler and I. My Mom refinished all of our hardwood floors at a ridiculously low price so our land lord would think we were good renters. She has also cleaned the house more then once and each trip she brings something new for the house that was much needed. Today my parents unloaded the truck with new rugs and other things we can't do without. Dad also came prepared with his tape measure and headed to the closest to measure how much lumber he would need for closet shelves. We then headed to Home Depot where we got a cart load stuff for our bathroom and new shelves. My parents then wrote out a $200 check; not thinking twice about it. And again, I was holding back the tears. Twice in one day! Really Mom and Dad!

Wait there's more. And this was the kicker. For my bridal shower in June, my parents our first months rent. The weight of the world is off mine and Tyler's shoulder right now. All because of these wonderful people I have the privilege of calling Mom and Dad. Now let me make something clear. My parents don't buy my love with money. They never have. But right now they know what we need and they know how to provide for us. And I know they'll always be there when I need them. God really knew what he was doing when he gave them to me. I'm not sure how I'll ever be able to repay them for all they've done for us.

1 comment:

  1. oh, they are just loving their little girl and remembering what it was like when they started out and trying to make it better for you.
