Wednesday, August 31, 2011

In The Garden

Who knew something so tragic could turn into something so peaceful and healing for my family. Today was the first time I had been home since Sunday. When I got out of my car I couldn't help but look under the tree where Buster was layed to rest. On Sunday it was nothing but dirt, but today it was a breath of fresh air. My Mom is in the process of turning the area under our backyard tree into a memorial garden for our beloved furry family members. Buster's headstone is a beautiful round patterned stone and on his headstone sits a statue of a squirrel. Not just any squirrel. A particularly chubby squirrel. This site brought a smile to my face and I began laughing to myself. My Mom has the best sense of humor, which is exactly what we need right now. We all got a kick out of seeing the chubby squirrel sitting on Buster's headstone. What's even more ironic is that for the first time in months, two squirrels came down and played in the garden. I'm sure Buster's in heaven right now chasing squirrels :)

In addition to the cute chubby squirrel, my Mom has also put in a stone bench for us to sit on and soak up the peace of the garden. The seat of the bench reads "Leave a path for the Angels to walk through." And again, the saying is pretty ironic because of Angel, our adopted Boston Terrier. Angel walks through the garden all the time because she likes the dirt, so we have left her a path to walk through. It reminds me of the first day that I brought Angel to my parents she ran through our vegetable garden without a second thought. Buster couldn't understand why she was allowed to go through the garden but he wasn't.

I couldn't imagine a more serene and peaceful way to remember Buster and I'm really looking forward to planting flowers in his garden next year and watching them bloom into something beautiful.

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