Monday, October 17, 2011

Only the beginning

So many things have happened since my last post. I am now a married woman. A wife. It still feels slightly weird as it comes off my tongue, but a good kind of weird. On September 10th I woke up to a fairy tale and a day that I will never forget. I can't describe the anxiousness and the complete joy I felt that day. After two years of planning, it was finally time for us to say our "I Do's". Every minute of our wedding day is ingrained in my mind and I love reliving those feelings when I think about it. As I look through our wedding photos I realized how lucky we are. There are so many pictures of my family, friends, and Tyler and I laughing and smiling. The pictures still bring tears to my eyes even though I've looked at them non-stop the last few days. Our wedding day was perfect.

This picture gets me every time. The moment my Dad gave me away. I'll always be his little girl.

Our wedding day was such a joyous day for my parents. They were beaming with laughter and smiles all day. I'm beyond blessed to have them in my life and the day wouldn't have been complete without them.
My Mom is the strongest woman I know. As I was rushing to get my veil on before we walked to line up I asked her if it was straight and looked alright and she replied, "You look beautiful."
If she only realized I get my beauty from her :)

Two years ago Megan had the honor of being the first to know about our engagement. She's been there for me every step of the way. And I can't wait to be there for her on her special day. She's next :)

I'm so blessed to have Megan as my best friend

The kiss. The beginning of our new life as a married couple. I love how our pastor Paul is looking at his watch in the background. We couldn't have asked for a better officiant to marry us.

My girls are so beautiful, not only on the outside, but even more so on the inside! Each one of them have a special place in my heart.

I couldn't ask for a better group of ladies :)

And I can't forget Tyler's groomsman...

Who decided to wear Sheriff badges on our wedding day...

I married such a handsome firefighter :)
These are some of my favorites <3

I'm glad the wedding planning is behind us, but I wish I could live our wedding day over everyday. It was such a wonderful celebration of our love and new life together. Even though we can't relive September 10th we can still build upon it. That day was only the beginning <3

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