Monday, August 15, 2011

Overwhelmed... but in a good way

The last few days have been non stop and a little overwhelming for the soon to be Burgoyne's. On Wednesday we got our marriage license (we're almost official!), bought a new washer and dryer (compliments of my wonderful parents), and made 1,001 stops (well, maybe not that many) in Harrisonburg to get some necessities for our house. Thursday and Friday consisted of me working two 11 hour days while trying to move our stuff into the new house. And most importantly...Saturday was MOVE IN DAY (thank the Lord!) After months of painting, cleaning up, and fixing up the house, we can now call this hilltop HOME! After moving all of our belongings and furniture we were finally able to spend the evening organizing and decorating. We're about halfway done unpacking everything (which is mostly my stuff) and still have the bathroom and laundry room to be finished this week. It's amazing to see each room come together as we make this space our own.

In addition to all of last week's madness, I started my new job at Woodland Montessori today :) It feels so good to be back and I can't wait to see the kids again! The girls at work have welcomed me back with open arms and I feel more at peace than ever with my decision. It's going to be a great school year!

Furthermore, I am still in shock that it's already August. I blinked and missed summer. We only have 26 days until the wedding! And I am far from being prepared for what is about to unfold that day. We still have numerous things to finish with the reception area and other logistics. But, no matter what, I know that everything is going to get done and I just need to stop stressing about it.

On the bright side, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow because for the first time I get to wear my dress for half the day! I'll be spending most of tomorrow evening with my photographer, Rebekah Girvan, at Bridgewater College snapping pictures of me in my gorgeous dress :) As I tried it on today with my veil, I got that overwhelming feeling that reality is getting ready to set in. But it was a good overwhelming feeling.
 I'm marrying my best friend in 26 days! Dreams do come true!

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