Monday, August 29, 2011

Simply Blessed

The last few weeks have been rough. Really rough. But, I've never been more blessed. And I've learned to appreciate life more than ever in the last few weeks. After all I went through yesterday, today was more than I could ask for. I woke up with a new attitude and put my sorrows behind me. Yes, I miss Buster more than ever and it still brings tears to my eyes thinking about him, but I was constantly smiling when I thought of him today. There were little reminders of him everywhere. When we took him to the vet yesterday, we forgot his collar and leash. So, I pulled a hot pink hankerchief out of my back pocket and tied it on his neck. He wore it until the vet arrived. That pink hanky is now tied around my rear view mirror. I can't help but smile when I see it. There have also been other signs of him. I saw a rainbow for the first time in weeks on my way home from work. It was pretty ironic because my former teacher Mrs. Warner posted on my facebook wall last night, "He will be waiting for you on the Rainbow Bridge." And I know he is :) Mom and I also went to pick out the stones for Buster's garden. I can't wait to see how everything turns out and I know it's going to be a very special place to go and remember him.

I also had the privilege of visiting with my Grammy today in Winchester. While I was there we started working on my table runners for the wedding reception. For the first time in years, I sat at a sewing machine. It felt so good. And it felt even better sewing with her. It made me think about to the summers I spent with her as a child. For two summers in a row, all I would do was sew and work on my quilts. I desperately miss it and am determined to finish quilt in the near future. As we pinned and sewed the table runners she talked about how excited about the wedding. Her words were bitter sweet, because five months ago she wasn't in my life. And now I couldn't imagine not having her be there for my wedding.
God is good!

So, here we are... 12 days until the wedding! While waiting for my coffee at Starbucks I was telling the guy making my coffee that I was getting married next Saturday. I had to step back and take a reality check. Next weekend! Ohmygoodness!  I'm so ready to become Tyler's wife and I can't believe how the last two and even the last six years have went.

Regardless of all the heartache and pain, I'm blessed beyond belief and I'm ready to start this new chapter of my life <3

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