Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Holiday Madness!

After a full day of visiting family (which included my parents, Tyler's parents, and both sets of Tyler's grandparents), I was exhausted! It was great to be able to spend time with all our family and we're fortunate to be able to see all of our family on holidays. However, I couldn't help but think about couples who aren't able to spend holidays with both sides of their families, which led me to this blog entry.

One issues that needs to be addressed as soon as that ring hits your finger is: Which holidays are you going to spend with which families. This issue can be very touchy and difficult for couples whose families live far away. In my case, I got extremelly lucky. Tyler and I are only ten minutes away from both sets of parents and less than an hour away from my grandparents and other relatives. However, not all couples are that lucky. For those whose families live at a distance, a plan needs to be established pronto.

You do not want to end up in a pickle like this couple did!

When coming up with your game plan, there are a few things that need to be kept in mind. First of all, do not favor one side of your family. The last thing you want is one side of your family made at you. So, when making plans, make sure that they are getting an even amount of time with you. For example, if you're not able to spend Christmas with both sides of your family, alternate years, or make a point to see them close to Christmas.

Secondly, if they are having a hard time with you alternating holidays, be up front with them and let them know that it's too much to see both families on all holidays. By simply talking to them about your plans, they will have a better understanding of where you are coming from in your decision. Communication is super important in any relationship, especially your relationship with your in-laws!

Lastly, holidays are a time to celebrate and continue on with traditions. By participating in traditions, your in-laws will realize that you want to be a part of the family and that means the world to them. Also, holidays can be a time to make your own new traditions as a couple. You can either take traditions from both sides of your family, or create a completely new tradition.

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