Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bride & Mother In Law Relationships

So, for the next four weeks I will be writing posts that concern wedding planning and marriage in general for my Teaching Writing class at BC. These posts will be a continuation of my current wedding blog.
My first topic of the week is none other than bride and mother in law relationships. Before there is even a ring on your finger, you need to start working on your relationship with your significant other's mother!

One of the first thing that needs to be accomplished is to find common ground with one another. Even if you and your mother in law are two completely different people, find something you both like or enjoy. This will give you something to talk about, which can lead to finding other common interests. By spending time together the special bond is beginning to form and will continue growing over the years. However, don't expect to feel comfortable right away. Relationships take time; especially this relationship! Ease your way into the relationship and it will eventually become very natural.

Secondly, don't sweat the small stuff. Yes, we all have things that drive others up the wall, but don't complain to your spouse about your mother in law. We all have little quirks or do things that are annoyances to others, but we must focus on the positive in people. Your spouse does not want to hear about how your mother in law annoys you to know end. If you must complain, complain to your own mother!

And last but not least, let her spend time with your spouse. During the whole engagement and marriage process, mothers tend to feel like they are losing their sons. By giving them their own time together, your mother in law will not feel out of the loop and will get her much needed alone time with her son. Step aside every once in a while and let her have her time with him. This will warm her heart and let her know that she is still wanted and cared for.

Just remember, your mother in law comes in the package when you get married! No ifs, ands, or buts. You can't trade her in or swap her with another mother, so make the most of your relationship with her! The more effort you put into the relationship, the better relationship you will have with her. If nothing else, always appreciate her for the best gift she could ever give you; her son.

My future in-laws :)

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