Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes A Dog?

As a little girl I remember singing the song "First comes loves, then comes marriage, then comes "name" with a baby carriage". However, times have changed since I was a kid and many couples are waiting till later in their life to start a family, even if they get married fairly young. And some couples are doing the exact opposite, they decide to start their family right away or even before the wedding, with the addition of a dog or cat. From the get go, Tyler and I have decided to hold off on having children for at least five or six years. We also had put the idea of getting a dog or cat on the back burner, that was until a little Boston Terrier named Angel came along last week.

A few weeks ago I got a call from my mom and she told me about a cute little dog whose owner's couldn't keep her any longer and she was in need of a home. One picture message and a phone call later, Angel was on her way to Singers Glen. At first I thought I would have to twist Tyler's arm to get him to say yes, but there wasn't a struggle. He felt for this little dog and wanted to make sure she had a home. She arrived at the house last Thursday and already thinks she owns it, especially the bed. I never thought I'd see the day that Tyler let a dog sleep in the bed with him! Not only does the dog sleep in the bed, but she snorts and snores like a pig! Ear plugs are necessary in order to sleep when she is in the bed! That's how she got the nickname of little piggie, and I mean that in the best possible way! :)

So, as I was saying, rather than jumping straight to the kids portion of life, many couples are opting for pets. Not only does this give ease them into the habit of taking care of something other than themselves; it gives them practice, because some pets need as much attention as a baby! Babies and pets have many similar habits. They need to be fed, played with, changed/taken outside, and most of all loved! After having a dog for over 16 years I am convinced that dogs and cats can be more spoiled than children! We can already tell that she is spoiled rotten, and as her parents, we wouldn't have it any other way!

Regardless of all the new responsibilities we have, at the end of the day there's nothing more rewarding than coming home to that cute little smushed face of hers. Even though she's 11, she still has the spunk of a puppy and is Mommy and Daddy's shadow. And at the end of the day, all of us are ready to catch a few Z's, especially her.

I wouldn't trade this little piggie for anything. She is absolutly precious and has completed our little family for the time being. It didn't really hit me that we had became a little family of three until the other day. I was really tickled when my parents gave us an Easter card that said, To: Tyler, Kelsey & Angel. Love, Mom, Dad, Ranee, Buster, and Tynie (who are the family dogs). I'm pretty sure that my family is the only one who addresses and signs cards with both our family and our dogs. But, I will be sure to carry on this tradition.

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