Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

I’ll have to admit, along with being super excited about my own wedding; I have been somewhat obsessed with the Royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton since their engagement. When I found out the wedding date, I jokingly told Tyler that we were going to bump up our wedding date and get married on the same day as William and Kate. However, after a few days I realized that I would be 300 miles away from home and be in Virginia Beach for an FCS Conference on that very day. Oh well, it was worth a shot!

Prince William, Kate Middleton
I think it’s really neat how even though the British have a democrat government, they still dearly love the Royal family. It’s not every day that the British and ultimately the world get to witness and watch a royal wedding unfold in front of their eyes. The engagement and wedding have been anything but private, but what else would you expect. The British really look up to the Royal family and love watching and knowing their every move. William and Kate have really been in a “bubble” and have their every move watched. However, regardless of the pressure that is put on them, they do an excellent job of meeting the expectations of the British.

As soon as picture of Kate’s engagement ring hit the news, my heart skipped a beat. Besides my engagement ring, her ring is the most gorgeous ring I have ever seen. I am a sucker of sapphires, especially big sapphires, and her ring is no exception. I can’t even imagine how much that 18 carat sapphire weights down her left hand. Not only is it beautiful, but so sentimental. Before Princess Diana died, she gave her engagement ring to William, her oldest son, and instructed him to give it to his future wife. In my opinion, William picked the perfect girl and in no time the public fell in love with Kate. She has very big shoes to fill after all that Princess Diana did, but I think she’ll do a great job and continue the good work that William’s mother started.

After all the time I’ve spent reading the articles and looking at the pictures, I was not about to miss the big day! At 5:45 I got up to watch this once in a life time Royal wedding with my bridesmaid and her mother, whom I was sharing a hotel room with for our FCS Conference. As soon as she got out of her carriage, my mouth dropped. Her dress was gorgeous! I loved the lace sleeves and veil. Her look was very simple, yet elegant and timeless. I think she exceeded everyone’s expectations as she walked down the aisle to meet her prince. This truly was a remarkable event to witness and I wish William and Kate the best of luck!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Steel Magnolias

So the other day I was looking at wedding stuff online and came upon a site called "I Do Tattoos". The site's name caught my eye and got me thinking about wedding tattoos. Now, the tattoos they were selling and the tattoo that I'm talking about are two totally different things. Places like "I Do Tattoos" sell temporary blue tattoos that brides can use as their "something blue" on their wedding day.

However, a few weeks ago I decided that I didn't want just a temporary tattoo, but something permanent that I could have with me forever, which led me to magnolias.

Magnolias are by far my favorite flower and that fact will be quite obvious when my entire bridal party, including myself, walk down the aisle carrying bouquets of magnolias. Not only are magnolias gorgeous flowers, their symbolism is so powerful. Magnolias are a symbol of perseverance and dignity, and are also widely used in weddings as a symbol of the brides purity. Furthermore, magnolias are often associated with southern weddings because they are common flowers in the South. Everything the magnolia stands for fits my lifestyle and wedding perfectly!

Magnolias also have a special family meaning to me. When I think of magnolias, I think of my Papa. He endured so much through his life and persevered every step of the way. He was also a southern gentlemen and was deserving of respect and honor. The term "steel magnolias" also comes to my mind when describing my family. I come from a long line of strong Southern women, specifically my mother. And I like to think that she passed some of her strength on to me :)

So, you may be wondering why I just rattled off half a dozen facts about magnolias. Well, a few days ago I took the leap and decided to make a white magnolia part of my every day life, in the form of a tattoo on my left side, across my ribs. Yesterday, April 11, was 10 years since I lost my Papa to cancer, and in his remembrance I decided to have this flower on my side forever! I chose to have it placed on my ribs so Papa can "be by my side" on my wedding day because as a little girl, I always dreamed of having both my Dad and Papa walk me down the aisle. Not only will he be there on my wedding day, but for the rest of my life.

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes A Dog?

As a little girl I remember singing the song "First comes loves, then comes marriage, then comes "name" with a baby carriage". However, times have changed since I was a kid and many couples are waiting till later in their life to start a family, even if they get married fairly young. And some couples are doing the exact opposite, they decide to start their family right away or even before the wedding, with the addition of a dog or cat. From the get go, Tyler and I have decided to hold off on having children for at least five or six years. We also had put the idea of getting a dog or cat on the back burner, that was until a little Boston Terrier named Angel came along last week.

A few weeks ago I got a call from my mom and she told me about a cute little dog whose owner's couldn't keep her any longer and she was in need of a home. One picture message and a phone call later, Angel was on her way to Singers Glen. At first I thought I would have to twist Tyler's arm to get him to say yes, but there wasn't a struggle. He felt for this little dog and wanted to make sure she had a home. She arrived at the house last Thursday and already thinks she owns it, especially the bed. I never thought I'd see the day that Tyler let a dog sleep in the bed with him! Not only does the dog sleep in the bed, but she snorts and snores like a pig! Ear plugs are necessary in order to sleep when she is in the bed! That's how she got the nickname of little piggie, and I mean that in the best possible way! :)

So, as I was saying, rather than jumping straight to the kids portion of life, many couples are opting for pets. Not only does this give ease them into the habit of taking care of something other than themselves; it gives them practice, because some pets need as much attention as a baby! Babies and pets have many similar habits. They need to be fed, played with, changed/taken outside, and most of all loved! After having a dog for over 16 years I am convinced that dogs and cats can be more spoiled than children! We can already tell that she is spoiled rotten, and as her parents, we wouldn't have it any other way!

Regardless of all the new responsibilities we have, at the end of the day there's nothing more rewarding than coming home to that cute little smushed face of hers. Even though she's 11, she still has the spunk of a puppy and is Mommy and Daddy's shadow. And at the end of the day, all of us are ready to catch a few Z's, especially her.

I wouldn't trade this little piggie for anything. She is absolutly precious and has completed our little family for the time being. It didn't really hit me that we had became a little family of three until the other day. I was really tickled when my parents gave us an Easter card that said, To: Tyler, Kelsey & Angel. Love, Mom, Dad, Ranee, Buster, and Tynie (who are the family dogs). I'm pretty sure that my family is the only one who addresses and signs cards with both our family and our dogs. But, I will be sure to carry on this tradition.

Unique Weddings Dates & Dates to Avoid

Once in a while, couples have the opportunity to schedule their wedding on very unique days such as 08/08/08 or 10/10/10. Well lucky for us, we are one of those couples who have been able to pick these unique dates not just once, but twice. Tyler proposed on 09/09/09 (I don't think he realized or meant to do that) and we will be getting married on 09/10/11. However, we did not pick that date just because it was a unique date. That day will actually be our six year anniversary. I tell Tyler constantly that he picked a great day to ask me to be his girlfriend! 

Even though unique dates are fun to put on save the dates, invitations, and are easy to remember, they come with some unexpected struggles. Because these dates are unique and quirky, a lot of couples are picking them as their wedding dates. I know three other couples just from my high school who are getting married the same day we are! As most brides know, it's hard enough getting the photographer, location, and other fine details set up on an ordinary day, but with a popular date, it is extremely hard. I contacted over twenty photographers before I found one who was available on our wedding day and I started a year in advance! The best thing to do is plan well over a year in advance. Some couples actually set their date years in advance if they plan on getting married on these popular dates.

Here are some upcoming dates that are unique:
9/10/11 falls on a Saturday
11/11/11 falls on a Friday
10/11/12 falls on a Thursday
12/12/12/ falls on a Wednesday

In addition to these quirky dates, there are also some dates that need to be avoided at all costs. This list was created by and is very thorough. Every bride to be should look at a list similar to this before picking their date.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day (always a Monday)
January 17, 2011
January 16, 2012

Presidents' Day (always a Monday)
February 21, 2011
February 20, 2012

Memorial Day (always a Monday)
May 30, 2011
May 28, 2012

Independence Day
Monday, July 4, 2011
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Labor Day (always a Monday)
September 5, 2011
September 3, 2012

Columbus Day (always a Monday)
October 10, 2011
October 8, 2012

Thanksgiving (always a Thursday)
November 24, 2011
November 22, 2012

New Year's Eve
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Monday, December 31, 2012

Palm Sunday
April 17, 2011
April 1, 2012

Easter Sunday
April 24, 2011
April 8, 2012

Passover (begins at sunset the night before)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Tisha B’Av (begins at sunset the night before)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hashanah (begins at sunset the night before)
Wednesday, September 28, until nightfall on Friday, September 30, 2011
Monday, September 17, 2012 until nightfall on Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Yom Kippur (begins at sunset the night before)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hanukkah (begins at sunset the night before)
Wednesday, December 21, until nightfall on Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Sunday, December 9, 2012 until nightfall on Sunday, December 18, 2012

Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Monday, December 26, 2011, until Sunday, January 1, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012 until nightfall on Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Other Days to Avoid:
Remembrance Days (September 11, December 7)
Final Four/March Madness
Super Bowl Sunday
College Reunions
Charity events that family members are a part of

These dates should be avoided because a lot of your friends and family may be out of town on these certain holidays. There may also be the posibility that some venues are also closed on these dates. And last but not least, weddings that are close to holidays, especially Valentines Day, generally cost more.

So as a warning to future brides, be careful which date you chose!

Mixing College Life & Marriage

As I was browsing the wonderful world wide web, I came across an article about four women who shared their stories about getting married during college and found it to be quite intriguing. This article was eye opening and for once, I'm able to relate to the women that were interviewed. The struggles and joys that they talk about are exactly what I'm going through. The bottom line is, mixing college and marriage is not the average experience, but something totally different and often misunderstood by students who haven't experienced it.

While most college students are living up their freedom and having the time of their lives, I'm having the time of my life in a different way. My peers spend their weekends going to parties and hanging out with their friends, while I'm working three part time jobs, planning a wedding, and planning my future with Tyler. I often wonder how people in the same peer group can live totally different lives when they're in the same environment. For the most part, college students lives revolve around academics, a part time job, and hanging out with their friends. But for the engaged/married college student, life is a little more complex. There's a wedding to plan, a house to buy/rent, bills that come out of no where, and everything in between.
 Tyler and I got engaged my first semester of college and we'll be getting married the Fall of my senior year. This is a huge step and will be quite the juggling act in the upcoming months. While Tyler has a steady full time job as a professional firefighter, I'm still two semesters away from graduating from college. At first we were hesitant to get married while I was still in school, but in reality I only have a semester of classes left and then I'll do my student teaching.

One of the quotes in the article really caught my attention and made me think. I believe that every couple who is even thinking about getting engaged or married should figure this out first.

The biggest challenge of getting married in college is being confident in your own identity!

This is so true! In college, one of the biggest tasks you have to take on is to find your own identity and place in the world. Until you find your own identity and are confident about it, the marriage thing needs to be put on hold. I've realized that because I'm still in school, Tyler and I have so many different activities going on and we are two seperate people. He'll be at the fire station while I'm at school studying in the library. For someone who is insecure about themselves and their identity, this could be a problem not seeing their significant other all the time or not being with them constantly. However,  I see this as an advantage to get what I need done. I have the rest of my life to focus on Tyler, and for now, Bridgewater College will come first until next May.
Here's some extra advice that the ladies in the article would like to give to their bride to be readers:
  • Communication is key.
  • You're not just thinking in terms of “I” anymore, which takes a ton of practice.
  • It's not all about finding the perfect guy. You need to be the right woman for him, too.
  • Wait for someone who appreciates you and wants to do things to make you happy.
  • “I don't think there's really a social norm anymore for when people get married,” she says. The decision is all about you, not your friends, family, or anyone else.
  • Be prepared to be flexible with every aspect of your life
  • Sharing a lease with a boyfriend or fiancĂ© is one thing, but being legally responsible for each other’s things is totally different.
  • Getting married is still getting married, regardless of age.
  • Keep things in perspective.
  • Even though your life may be totally different, make every effort to keep your friends close.
  • Try not to stress about wedding plans. Even if things seem crazy, it will all get done.
  • Try to take your time and stay engaged for awhile.
  • If you do decided to get married while in college, expect a ton of stress.
  • School should always be a top priority                                                                         

Holiday Madness!

After a full day of visiting family (which included my parents, Tyler's parents, and both sets of Tyler's grandparents), I was exhausted! It was great to be able to spend time with all our family and we're fortunate to be able to see all of our family on holidays. However, I couldn't help but think about couples who aren't able to spend holidays with both sides of their families, which led me to this blog entry.

One issues that needs to be addressed as soon as that ring hits your finger is: Which holidays are you going to spend with which families. This issue can be very touchy and difficult for couples whose families live far away. In my case, I got extremelly lucky. Tyler and I are only ten minutes away from both sets of parents and less than an hour away from my grandparents and other relatives. However, not all couples are that lucky. For those whose families live at a distance, a plan needs to be established pronto.

You do not want to end up in a pickle like this couple did!

When coming up with your game plan, there are a few things that need to be kept in mind. First of all, do not favor one side of your family. The last thing you want is one side of your family made at you. So, when making plans, make sure that they are getting an even amount of time with you. For example, if you're not able to spend Christmas with both sides of your family, alternate years, or make a point to see them close to Christmas.

Secondly, if they are having a hard time with you alternating holidays, be up front with them and let them know that it's too much to see both families on all holidays. By simply talking to them about your plans, they will have a better understanding of where you are coming from in your decision. Communication is super important in any relationship, especially your relationship with your in-laws!

Lastly, holidays are a time to celebrate and continue on with traditions. By participating in traditions, your in-laws will realize that you want to be a part of the family and that means the world to them. Also, holidays can be a time to make your own new traditions as a couple. You can either take traditions from both sides of your family, or create a completely new tradition.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue

So what exactly does the saying "Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue" mean? As I was trying to figure out what items I would have for each of these sayings, I found that this custom came from an old English poem.
Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
And a silver sixpence in her shoe.
Each item refers to a token that the bride can carry with her on her wedding day. If she carries all four items, then she will have a happy marriage. This neat tradition is often pushed to the side because of all the other plans and things going on inside the bride's mind and are sometimes thrown together at the last minute. However, some brides are now thinking ahead and adding their own unique twist to this tradition.

Something Old:
Rather than picking something that is simply old, some brides are making sure that their "Something Old" has special meaning to them and their family. Many brides are either wearing a sentimental piece of jewelry, a dress that their mother wore, or a veil that has been passed down through the family and is for the bride to keep. Not only are you completing one part of the tradition, but the item you chose to wear represents something sentimental and meaningful. Here are some other great ideas:
  • A vintage engagement ring or wedding band
  • The veil your grandmother wore in her wedding
  • Antique or heirloom earrings or bracelet
  • A tiny vintage purse
  • Vintage buttons on your wedding dress
  • Your favorite lipstick
  • Your signature perfume
  • Antique lace tied around your bouquet
This is my "Something Old". This veil was a wedding gift to Tyler's mother in 1984. Both Tyler's mother and his aunt wore this at their wedding over twenty years ago, when they got married in the same church we are getting married in. I'll be honest, at first I had some hesitation about this veil because of it's "older" style. However, after putting the veil on with wedding dress, it was a perfect match. The pearls and the sequins in the veil complement the dress so well!

Something New:
Whether it's a new wedding dress, new pair of shoes, or piece of stunning jewelry, most brides make sure that their "Something New" will turn heads. Furthermore, this item will undoubtedly cost the most. The price can range from $200 and up. In some cases, brides go all out and spend tens of thousands of dollars on these items that will only be worn for one day. If your budget can't take a large purchase, you don't have to purchase something new. Instead, you can have a new penny for your shoe or pick new fresh flowers for your bouquet.

My "Something New" is my wedding dress. However, I will not be posting it publicly because of certain person that reads my blog (Tyler). However, I will give you a description of it and your mind can come up with it's own image. My dress is a simple A line crumb top strapless dress, with beading on the bodice and lace that goes down the dress. (If you look close enough at picture of the veil, you can see the back of my dress!) When I first saw this dress on the rack, I passed it up without a second thought. However, my maid of honor thought it was gorgeous and wanted me to at least try it on. As soon as I put this dress on, I fell in love with it and the rest is history. 

Something Borrowed:
This item is similar in nature to the "Something Old". However, this item must be returned after the wedding. If brides are on a tight budget they may borrow a piece of jewelry that they couldn't buy, such as earrings, a necklace, or bracelet. Here are some other great ideas:
  • Mom's pearl necklace
  • The earrings your grandmother wore at her wedding
  • The adorable little bag your best friend carried at hers
  • Your aunt's veil or headpiece
  • Your sister's wedding shoes
  • Your parents' (or a friend's) home for the wedding or reception
  • An elegant wrap from your future mother-in-law
  • Your grandfather's Bible or book of poetry
  • Money from your parents or his (for the wedding or honeymoon)
My "Something Borrowed" is a pair of diamond earrings that I bought for my Mom last Christmas. Rather than spending the money on a pair of diamond earrings, my Mom is letting me borrow hers.

Something Blue:
This tradition can be taken into many different directions. For brides who do not want to be flashing blue during their wedding, having a blue garter, or a blue ribbon on the garter is an easy and simple option. Some brides on the other hand are getting more creative with their "Something Blue". Here a few twists to the classic "Something Blue":
  • Blue flowers in your bouquet, such as hydrangeas
  • Lingerie with touches of blue
  • Ice blue toenail polish
  • A dramatic blue-red lipstick
  • Tiny blue details, such as flowers, scattered on a long veil
  • A delicate pale blue barrette
  • A beautiful blue Austrian crystal
  • A blues band at your reception
  • A silk, midnight blue wedding gown (who says it has to be white?)
My something blue has turned into "a lot of things that are blue". Both my engagement ring and wedding band have sapphires in them that symbolize the month we started dating, got engaged, and are getting married, which is September. Sapphires are also my favorite gemstone.  I also have a small blue ribbon sewn on the inside of my black and hot pink garter. And last but not least, we will be riding to the reception in Singers Glen Volunteer Fire Company's blue fire truck. Yes, a blue fire truck.

My engagement ring and Tiffany's wedding band

Our "get away" fire truck 

Find these and other great ideas at

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bride & Mother In Law Relationships

So, for the next four weeks I will be writing posts that concern wedding planning and marriage in general for my Teaching Writing class at BC. These posts will be a continuation of my current wedding blog.
My first topic of the week is none other than bride and mother in law relationships. Before there is even a ring on your finger, you need to start working on your relationship with your significant other's mother!

One of the first thing that needs to be accomplished is to find common ground with one another. Even if you and your mother in law are two completely different people, find something you both like or enjoy. This will give you something to talk about, which can lead to finding other common interests. By spending time together the special bond is beginning to form and will continue growing over the years. However, don't expect to feel comfortable right away. Relationships take time; especially this relationship! Ease your way into the relationship and it will eventually become very natural.

Secondly, don't sweat the small stuff. Yes, we all have things that drive others up the wall, but don't complain to your spouse about your mother in law. We all have little quirks or do things that are annoyances to others, but we must focus on the positive in people. Your spouse does not want to hear about how your mother in law annoys you to know end. If you must complain, complain to your own mother!

And last but not least, let her spend time with your spouse. During the whole engagement and marriage process, mothers tend to feel like they are losing their sons. By giving them their own time together, your mother in law will not feel out of the loop and will get her much needed alone time with her son. Step aside every once in a while and let her have her time with him. This will warm her heart and let her know that she is still wanted and cared for.

Just remember, your mother in law comes in the package when you get married! No ifs, ands, or buts. You can't trade her in or swap her with another mother, so make the most of your relationship with her! The more effort you put into the relationship, the better relationship you will have with her. If nothing else, always appreciate her for the best gift she could ever give you; her son.

My future in-laws :)