Sunday, June 26, 2011

With a heavy heart...

Cancer sucks. I can't stress or express this enough. No other word brings about so many emotions. When I hear it I battle with feelings of anger, rage, discouragement, disbelief, and of all things, hope. Most of the time I battle with the first four feelings. But in the end, I've learned that it also brings the only thing that can get me through hearing this word. HOPE.

Yesterday was a pretty rough day. At around 10:30 last night I received a text message that left me in tears and with feelings of anger and disbelief. My friend Karen, who has been an inspiration to me from the first day I met her, went home to the Lord yesterday afternoon. For the last several years Karen has battled breast cancer and for the past two years, a very serious and agressive type of breast cancer. Regardless of all her challenges, she always had a smile on her face that was contagious. She was such an inspiration and a strong woman.

I still haven't figured out why the strongest and Godliest women develop this horrible disease. Breast cancer affects one in every eight women. No woman (or anyone else for that matter) should have to hear those three words, "You have cancer." I can only pray that I'll never have to hear those three words.

Regardless of all the horrible things that cancer brings about, it still brings me HOPE. I hope that I will see the day when there is a cure for cancer. And I WILL see that day and I'll be part of the cure. This is the whole reason I'm walking 60 miles in September. To find a cure for breast cancer.

Karen, your smile and strength will always be ingrained in our hearts!

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