Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Second Love of my Life

Well, I hate to break it to Tyler, but I'm letting the world know about the second love of my life. Don't worry though, Tyler's known about this other person for quite a while (4 years to be exact). I think he's had plenty of time to get over it :) Haha!

Ok, time to get serious now. The second love of my life and my better (female) half is my best friend, Megan Alexander. Megan and I have quite an interesting history and such an amazing friendship. Here's how it all began...

Nearly four years ago, Megan and I met at Massanutten Regional Governor's School (a.k.a Gov School). For the first half of the year, I sat across from this smart and beautiful girl and never branched out of my comfort zone/corner table to go over and say hi to her. Then, our paths crossed one day in our English class when we were partnered up to peer edit each other's papers. I had written my paper about tennis, which sparked our first common interest. Like myself, Megan also played tennis for her high school. It was friendship at first sight. Later that school year, Megan and I had the opportunity to go on the Senior Bay Trip (even though we were juniors). That trip was the ultimate bonding experience! We learned how to cook together, break off fish heads, and even participated in the Marsh Olympics (where Megan was declared the Marsh Queen and I never made it to the finish line!). After that trip we were attached at the hip and the rest is history :)

Yes, we fell asleep on a moving boat!

Real women snap fish in two :) 

Less than two weeks after Megan left for her freshman year at George Mason University, Tyler popped the question, and Megan got the honor of being the first to know about our engagement and at that moment I asked her to be my Maid of Honor.

This precious girl I call my best friend is an absolute joy in my life. We laugh together. We cry together. We raid Victoria's Secret together(way too much)! And we confide in each other with everything! I'm so blessed to have her in my life and have her stand beside me on my wedding day.

During my bridal shower a few weeks ago, my aunt passed around a little magnolia notebook for everyone to write little bits of advice for me. Here's what Megan wrote.

I am so glad we met that day at Gov school. I couldn't imagine a sweeter more caring best friend. If there is anyone in this world that deserves every Tiffany ring and Coach bag it's you. Better yet, you deserve all the happiness in your married life. I look forward to your wedding day. Today has been so much fun and only makes me excited for 9-10-11. You will be beautiful! I love you and you will always be my best friend, partner in crime, and of course my Vickie's buddy (Victoria's Secret)! I look forward to many more memories with you!
XOXO- Your Maid of Honor

This is why I love this girl :)

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