Thursday, June 9, 2011

100 Days To Go!

With only 100 days to go until the big day, the wedding stress is starting to pile on. After slacking most of my Spring semester with wedding planning, I'm now in full wedding mode and getting as much done as I possibly can. It's exciting to see everything start to come together and I am definitely getting anxious and excited :)

Tensions have been pretty high with all of the new adjustments we're going through and everything that will come in the next few months. We've run into some unsettled feelings from people who think we're too young and need to wait to get married. Well, sorry to burst their bubble, but this wedding will go on and we are getting married in 100 days!

It's very discouraging and irritating to hear all the comments we've heard recently. All we want is for people to be happy for us. That's all we're asking. What's really sad is that some aren't happy with our decision when they should feel blessed to see us get married. My Papa would have loved to seen his little girl get married. I just wish everyone could be as happy as he would have been.
As we get closer and closer to the wedding I'm constantly thinking about Papa. I'm not sure if it's because I got my tattoo touched up this week, but he's been in my thoughts frequently. Every time I look to my left side I can't help but smile and think that he'll always be by my side. It really saddens and frustrates me that he won't be able to walk me down the aisle on my special day. I keep thinking about our wedding day and what it would be like with him there. I can picture it perfectly.

After putting on my dress and getting all dolled up, I'd walk down to greet Papa and my Dad. He would smile and say "Look at my little Gabby" (which was my childhood nickname). We'd embrace and then get ready to walk down the aisle. Just the three of us. At the end of the aisle I'd receive a peck on the cheek from each of them and then be led to Tyler's side.

After the ceremony, we'd take pictures until our cheeks hurt and no smile would be as big as his. This would be the day he had been waiting for for years. His first granddaughter getting married to her prince charming who just so happened to have many of his qualities. At the reception he would wait patiently until it was our turn to take the dance floor. We'd then take the dance floor and all eyes would be on us.

The time would come for the newly pronounced couple to leave and he'd be in the crowd smiling and waving as the car drives away. What a perfect day for such a proud man who just gave away his granddaughter.

Even though I know this can only happen in my dreams it still gives me a calming and reassuring feeling. Just because he can't be there in person doesn't mean he can't be there in spirit. If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that he will be right by my side on my wedding day.

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