Saturday, June 25, 2011

About Me

-I'm a total dog lover. Our Boston Terrier Angel is the joy of my life. However, I secretly love hearing our kitty Lilly purr while she sleeps on me. She's growing on me.
-My hair is curly. And I mean really curly! Some days I hate it, but most days I love it.
- I'm obsessed with the color pink and am super excited that my wedding color is pink.
- I have one tattoo. My magnolia puts a smile on my face every time I look at my side.
- Right now I'm in a pretty exciting phase of my life. Wedding. New Husband. New House. Bright Future :)
- One day I will be free and it's because I earned it! I can't wait to be my own boss!
- I'm a proud firefighter's wife (well almost). Pagers going off and fire engine sirens don't phase me anymore.
- I don't eat melons. No watermelon, cantaloupe, or honeydew for me.
- I'm a perfectionist. And slightly OCD. End of story.
- I'm a addicted to chocolate. But what woman isn't.
- As a child, I was addicted to spinach. No joke. I ate it by the cans!
- I'm in love with my engagement ring and and my Tiffany's diamond and sapphire wedding band. But I'm even more in love with my future husband.
- I'm a sucker for pedicures and pink nail polish. They're a must.
- My mom is one of the strongest women I know and I'm beyond blessed to have her as my Mom.
- I'm walking 60 miles in the Susan G. Komen 3 Day walk two weeks after my wedding! Craziness!
- I was my high school valedictorian. Yes, I was a total nerd.
- Tennis was my life in high school. It's sad that I haven't picked up my racquet in over a year. I want to get out and hit the court so bad!
- Between the ages of 8 and 13 I had braces twice, Mom gave a me a "girl" bowl cut, I had glasses and my closest friends were boys. Let's just say I was anything but accept by my peers, especially the girls.
- Cancer sucks. Period. And I'm bound and determined to help find a cure. That's why I Relay.
- One day, I'm going to write a memoir.
- I love my business team. OTOV is my second family.
- Tyler and I have 3 kayaks. Two blue and one green. I'm still waiting on my pink kayak.
- I love to cook and bake. But, I'm notorious for leaving the stove and oven on after I'm done.
- I stink at Grammar. I'm really surprised I pulled of a B+ in Grammar, Style, and Editing. I feel sorry for my future students when it comes to grammar.
- I love Bridgewater College. I'm still in shock that I'm graduating next May. But I'm so ready!
-At age 16 I had a gum graph and was the youngest patient my periodontist had ever had. My gums hate me.
-I drive a 2005 Chrysler Pacifica. Some call it the Mommy van. But actually, it's an SUV. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Even though it's a gas guzzler, I can fit 7 people in it. Totally worth it.
-There aren't any children in the forecast soon. Tyler and I are going to wait to have little Burgoyne's for quite a while. Plus, when we have children, I want to be free! So I have to get my freedom first!
- I'm blessed by so many wonderful people in my life.

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