Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Pampered Princess

After working four full days with my kids (who are beyond excited about Christmas!) at Boys and Girls Club, I am exhausted! I love those kids to death and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world, but I was more than ready to go home when I got off work at 3:00. However, the most exciting part of my day (besides getting to dance with the kids and play with them all day) would have to wait until later that evening after some last minute shopping (for my future mother in law) and dinner with Tyler and the future in laws. My big plans for the evening were... (Drum Roll Please)... a massage and facial courtesy of my wonderful hubby to be!

Now, I'll have to say that this evening has been my fuel to get through this week of Christmas-crazy five to twelve year olds! My coworkers and I were even having a countdown during work today :) It all started a few days ago when Tyler asked me what else I wanted for Christmas (besides my new HOT pink kayak life jacket!) and I quickly said a day at the spa. After some research and advice from my wedding planner (who is the receptionist at Tangles Day Spa), Tyler had the evening planned and the appointment all set up for his Princess (which his nickname for me). He really knew how much I needed some ME time, and this my ideal ME time :)

I've never had a massage or facial before, so this was a totally new and exciting experience for me. My massage therapist, Melissa, from Tangles Day Spa, was amazing! She was so sweet and did wonders for my back and shoulders with her Swedish Massage! I have so much tension build up in my shoulders, but she was able to get all the kinks out :) The facial was also incredible! I am a sucker for hot towels, and she did 5 rounds of hot towels on my face and even more on my back. My face is so smooth and refreshed now!

 But wait, my night got even better! After an evening of TOTAL relaxation, I scheduled two more afternoons of pampering; a much needed haircut and spa pedicure :) I can't wait!!! I could definitely get used to getting pampered regularly!

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