Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Night of Serious Wedding Planning!

With less than 9 months to go until the big day, my wedding planner, Jessica McClean and I were in dire need of a night devoted to wedding planning. From 7:00 to 11:00 we were cranking out ideas and finalizing plans for this incredible day. We went from 2 pages of information to over 13 pages! Wow! Along the way we hit a few speed bumps, but got through them with a lot of patience and some trail and error. Let me share a few things we finalized tonight :)

Our Wedding Planner Jessica McClean
Let me just say, that this girl is such a blessing to Tyler and I! Jessica has done so much for this wedding and has been able to help me organize my ideas for this wedding. She is so creative, organized, and detail oriented! I love it! I've had so much fun working with Jessica and planning this incredible day.

1. The Rehearsal Dinner is completely planned!
To start off with, I hadn't even thought of this portion of our wedding until Jessica told me we needed to finalize it tonight! We then began setting up the date, attendees, food, etc. However, we ran into a huge speed bump. The groom has to work (a 24 hour shift) on the date of the rehearsal dinner! We could not possibly have a rehearsal dinner without the groom! He needs to know where/what he's doing on the big day ;) This put a kink in our plans, but we eventually moved the date around and have from Wednesday until Saturday pretty much planned out :) Whew, thank goodness!

2. Magnolias don't bloom in the Fall...
Since the day we got engaged, I knew that I wanted my bouquet to be REAL magnolias. Magnolias are my favorite flower and are a reminder of my grandfather, who passed when I was nine. However, I was informed a few months ago by my FCS professor (who is getting married in June and has a magnolia tree outside her office) that Magnolias only bloom in the Spring and only last 7 hours in water after they are picked! This was disappointing, but we have a back up plan, silk magnolia flowers. After thinking about it, silk flowers will be much better because I'll be able to keep my bouquet :)

3. There are so many wedding songs!
Before our meeting tonight, I had already picked out a few songs that I definitely had to have on our wedding day. I've known for quite a while now that I will walk down the aisle to "I Could Not Ask for More (Edwin McCain) and our first dance would be "Amazed" (Lonestar). However, all of the other prelude, interlude, and processional music was a complete mystery. After some serious thinking and brainstorming we have decided on most of the ceremony songs. Throughout the evening Jessica and I were playing Itunes and YouTube trying to find the perfect song. We also found ourselves tearing up during these songs! If I'm crying with nine months left, I know I'm going to be a mess when these songs are actually played at the ceremony and reception, but in a good sense :) The songs that really got me were "My Little Girl", which will be the song played during my father daughter dance, and "Mama's song" which will be played when our family is seated. I think these songs portray the feelings and mood that we're trying to set for the day.

4. Our guest list is in the process of being finalized
This was the hardest and most stressful part of the night! Tyler and I have so many people that we wanted to invite and are limited in the number we can invite because of limited space at our church. Jessica had to put a limit on the list (130) which means we had to cut our original list by 30. However, Jessica knows what's best and I trust her judgement. I also don't want people to have to stand at our wedding because of limited seating. Our next step is to order invitations (which are most likely going to be firefighter themed) and mail those babies out!

5. We have our colors :)
For the first few months of our engagement, I kept going back and forth on the wedding color scheme. Our original colors were navy and yellow, then navy and light pink, and finally we've decided on watermelon (dark/hot pink), white, with a hint of navy. Whew, is your head spinning? Because mine sure was! I've always wanted a pink wedding, but stuck to navy originally because my ring has sapphires and the Singers Glen fire engine is blue. However, after our trip to David's Bridal, I fell in love with the color watermelon and have never looked back. I can't wait to see my girls in their beautiful watermelon dresses :)

There's so much more that I could share about our night of serious planning, but those are the major events that we finalized tonight. It is beyond exciting to finally see these items come together and I can finally visualize what my weddings is going to actually look like! I'm sure there will be many more wedding planning evenings like tonight, and I'll be sure to share them with you :)

Until then, check out our wedding website!

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