Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Name: Fire Engines & Pink Ribbons

The title of our blog is the perfect way to describe our passions and our lives. Tyler is both a professional firefighter for Harrisonburg City and a volunteer firefighter at Singers Glen Volunteer Fire Company. Our lives, especially his, revolve around firefighting. When his pager goes off, he has to drop everything he is doing to answer the call. We've had so many meals, church services, and events that have been interrupted by his pager going off. But, in the end, it's more than worth it. He has a passion for helping others in need and is always willing to answer the call regardless of what he's doing at the time. If working 24 hour shifts for Harrisonburg Fire and running volunteer calls isn't enough, Tyler is also the Secretary for SGVFC and is always working on paper work or going to meetings. Let's just say that this being a firefighters fiance has been quite an adjustment, but I wouldn't want our lives to be any other way. :) We live such an amazing life and have so much to look forward to!

The other portion of the title, Pink Ribbons, represents my passion and what my life revolves around. I am a huge cancer advocate, specifically for breast cancer. For the last five years, I have been a Relay for Life Captain and am a Fundraising Coach for the Rockingham County/Harrisonburg City Relay this year. My journey with cancer has been ten years in the making, beginning with the passing of my grandfather. On April 11, 2001, I lost my grandfather to colon and liver cancer. Besides my Dad and Tyler, he was one of the most important men in my life. I attended my first Relay a month after his passing and made a promise to myself then that I would do everything I could to help find a cure for cancer one day. Since then, cancer has affected me in many more ways. I have had several friends and family members who have battled cancer, specifically breast cancer. Tyler's grandma, who I claim as my own, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 and won her battle! I refuse to sit around and not do anything about it! I truly believe that I will see the day when the word cancer doesn't exist! That's why I Relay and am so passionate about Pink Ribbons.

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