Friday, December 10, 2010

Our Furry Weekend Guest

This past weekend was quite an adventure and full of new experiences for Tyler and I. On Saturday night, we went to the annual Singers Glen Volunteer Fire Company Christmas dinner (the food, especially the desserts were amazing!). As we walked out the door, we saw that snow was beginning to stick to the vehicles, but not the roads thankfully. We headed back to the house to find foot and paw prints in the snow on the porch. We assumed Wes, Tyler's brother, had come back to the house during his shift and let Homer (the beagle) out.

However, as we walked in the door, two dogs greeted us! After calming the dogs down and calling Wes we soon figured out where this little furry Homer look alike came from. Apparently, someone had found the dog wandering along the road, took him in, and called 911. That's how Wes ended up with the dog. The plan was to take him straight to the SPCA, but it was closed and the dog wouldn't have survived in the outdoor kennels all weekend. So, here we are, just the two of us, trying to figure out what to do with this dog! Now, I must let you know that Tyler is anything but a dog person! But, for some reason, this dog was different. He was the exact opposite of Homer (who is six months old). This dog, who ended up having four names within a period of three days (Elmer, George, Stewie, and Riley), was very calm and completely loveable. We later found out that he was close to 7 years old, which would explain his calm and mellow nature. The dog also had a crooked front foot but could run and walk as much as he wanted. This concerned us, but realized that it wasn't hurting him. We were also worried that if we took him to the SPCA that no one would want to adopt him because of his crooked foot.

That night, the dog (who's name was really Bo) was completely pampered! He got a nice long bath and even got to sleep in the bed with Tyler! He even let Tyler know when he had to go outside by licking his face :)Thankfully, Bo was house trained and never had an accident in the house! Could this dog get anymore perfect?!?

On Sunday afternoon, we made a quick stop to my parent's house to show them the possible newest edition to our little family. My family absolutly fell in love him (including my boxer, Buster). Later that afternoon, Bo recieved bath #2 and spent the rest of the day napping with Tyler and I.

After spending less than 24 hours with this dog, I fell head over heals for him and wanted to keep him. Tyler surprisingly took the dog very well and was considering keeping him. However, we knew that there was still the possibility that his owner would show up. As soon as Wes called the SPCA on Monday morning, they informed him that the owner had already called and was looking for him. That phone call broke my heart :( I was anything but ready to give up this little guy! The whole rest of the day I moped around and cried when Bo met me at the door that afternoon. I never thought I could get attached to a dog this quick, but I fell for that little guy hard!

Later that afternoon the owner came to get Bo and told us about how their family was missing him like crazy and would be so happy to see him again. Bo was also very excited about seeing his family again and wouldn't stop wagging his massive tail. It was sad to see him go, but I'm so glad that Bo was reuinited with his family.

 Overall, this weekend was such a fun and exciting experience for Tyler and I. Besides getting to play "parents" for the weekend, this experience really opened Tyler's eyes up to the idea of us getting a dog in the future :) We figured out that it is possible for us to manage taking care of a dog and that Tyler likes dogs more than he thought he did! However, after our little furry guest, I've been given specific details about our future dog, which has to be over a year old and adopted from the SPCA :) That's fine with me!

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