Thursday, December 9, 2010

Meet the Future Mr. & Mrs. Burgoyne :)

I'm sure as our blog continues to grow, you'll get to know Tyler and I better, but for the time being, I'll let you in on a little bit our history and paint you a picture of how our life looks right now. Our story began over five years ago when we started dating (as freshman in high school), and each day keeps getting better and better. A little over a year ago, Tyler popped the question with a beautiful sapphire and diamond ring in his living room, and I began planning this wedding soon after :) And now, we only have nine months to go until the big day!

Tyler: 19 years old. Professional and volunteer firefighter. Kayak Enthusiast. Amway IBO. Born and raised in Singers Glen. Future Hubby :)

Let me first start off by saying how much Tyler has accomplished at 19. Not many 19 year olds have earned a position and career like Tyler has! He has worked so hard to get where he is and is such an amazing firefighter! Tyler is such a natural born leader with just the right amount of Melancholy and Phlegmatic Personality. He is a bit of a perfectionist (as am I) yet is very calm and collective. He knows how to calm me down when I am stressed beyond belief and always puts a smile on my face when it's hard to smile. What I love about him the most is his big heart! I have never met anyone who is as selfless and humble as he is. And did I mention how good he looks in his Class A's! Ah, I love a man in uniform :) I am truly blessed to be able to spend the rest of my life with this man!

Kelsey: 19 years old. Junior at Bridgewater College. Future Teacher. YDPL (Youth Development Program Leader) at Boys and Girls Club. Salesperson at The Jewelry Vault. Amway IBO. Born and raised in Broadway. Bride to be :)

That's me! Let me just say that I am beyond excited about having a new last name in nine months! (Mostly because I get to move up to the top of the alphabet!) I am a total and complete perfectionist and share the same personality types as Tyler. I take on way to much but wouldn't have it any other way! I love what I do, at all three of my jobs, and can't wait to start my career as a teacher and continue building our business. One thing that still blows my mind is the fact that I'll have graduated from college and got married before I'm 21! Let's just say I'm a woman on a mission :)

Engaged life has been amazing! We both compliment one another and are quite the dynamic duo :) We're having a blast planning the wedding (well mostly me) and planning our future. There's so much to do and so little time to get it done! In the next nine months we have to plan a wedding and get our living situation figured out (hopefully buying land and building a house!), all while going on with our current crazy and busy lives. How are we going to do it? You'll just have to wait and see :)

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