Saturday, March 30, 2013

Practice #20

So my 30 day Bikram Yoga challenge has turned into a 30 practice challenge. Life always seems to get crazy when I'm ready for it to slow down. My goal this week is to practice every single day. It's in my life planner. It will be done. And it's going to be amazing.

In the last few weeks of practice I've hit some major milestones for myself. Two weeks ago during a very laid back practice with Graham, my head touched the floor for the first time during standing separate leg stretching. I was on an excitement high for the rest of class. Every single class I stare at the floor and try and try and try to touch my head to it. It hasn't happened since but once is good enough for now. My hamstrings took a beating after that practice and I had to start all over again. And today during practice with Karla, I was able to see the floor for the first time during camel. Camel is a very difficult pose. However, it's one of my favorite poses. Back bends feel amazing to my spine. Bring on the room spinning!

Additionally, there are other perks to the practice that I have found. Some of these make me laugh so hard. The other day when applying my make up I realized I had a small callus forming on my chin from having my chin on the mat during the spine strengthening series poses. Floor bow pose has also brought on hip bruises and calf cramps. My calf cramped up today and I couldn't help but laugh and roll around on my mat to keep my mind off the pain. I've also found that my hypermobility syndrome has also brought on some interesting experiences. A few practices ago I went backwards in camel and my head didn't stop until it hit the floor. FYI, your head isn't supposed to touch the floor in that way. I also find myself constantly hitting the mirror when in half moon pose. I guess it's my own fault for picking the corner spot. The purpose of half moon is to make your body look like a half moon by bending and having tremendous stretching on the side of the body. Today my arms were completely parallel to the floor on the right side. Score! Thank you hypermobility!

This practice has given me many laughs, many tears of joy, and many new friends. If you ever get a chance to experience all of it's wonders, you'll forever be changed in some way.


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