Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Week 2 of Bikram Yoga

I'm on week 2 of my Bikram Yoga practice and I feel incredible. I've been pain free for 13 days. Just saying that brings me to tears. For those that haven't experienced hot yoga before I highly recommend it; especially for those with joint and muscle pain. Yesterday I decided to practice twice in one day. My first practice was at 6 a.m. and my second practice was at 6 p.m. My first practice of the day was a wake up call for my body. I've realized that in order to get hydrated before class, I need to get up at 4:30 a.m. I'm a morning person, but that's super early! At 6 in the morning your brain isn't awake, much less your muscles. I was constantly reminding myself that I couldn't expect to be as flexible as my evening practices. It feels so good to have accomplished something so great by 7:30 in the morning. After my first practice I felt ready to conquer my 9 hour work day. The second practice of my day was even better than the first. Because I had already done the work to release my tight muscles I felt much more open and flexible. I couldn't believe how much further into the poses I got. I'm looking forward to my next 2 a day :)

I truly believe that I have found the secret to fibromyalgia; at least my fibromyalgia. Bikram is truly a healing practice and I can't help but smile every time my instructor tells the class how it's healing their body. If they only knew. I love how I not only see outward changes but feel inward changes. My hips are finally slimming down and my stomach is regaining it's definition. But more importantly, my joints and muscles feel great. The pain is gone. I haven't had a migraine or headache in 2 weeks. I have more energy. I feel healthier. I'm happier. And even though life is crazy right now, I feel in control. All of these feelings are priceless.


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