Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bikram Yoga 30 Day Challenge

We all make fitness goals at the beginning of the New Year and this year I was determined to reach mine. My goal is to treat my fibromyalgia and hypermobility on my own with alternative medicines and therapies. I have never been one to run to the doctors office for a prescription. Last April when I was diagnosed my rheumatologist wrote 5 prescriptions to me! I was pretty proud of myself when I only walked out filling only one of those, which was a mild muscle relaxer. But that's where my journey began. And I had to start from scratch. I thought that running, doing yoga, and working out 4-5 times a week would magically bring me back into alignment and balance. Wrong. I started on a strict supplement regimen, changed my diet, and started going back to my chiropractor. The difference in those few months were like night and day. I gained my control back for a short time. However, there were still bad days. I needed something else. Three weeks ago I discovered the new Bikram Yoga studio in Harrisonburg. I'll never forget that day... my Bikram birthday.

I woke up that morning not knowing if I could get through 90 minutes in a 105 degree room doing 26 poses and 2 breathing exercises. I was in the middle of a 3 week fibro flare that had left me physically and mentally exhausted. The day before I had literally spent 36 hours in bed because my body just couldn't do it. However, I'm so glad I had the courage to walk into that studio not knowing what to expect or how my body would respond. Once you get past the heat, the poses are incredible. I could literally feel the pain and tension melting away with each pose. By the end of class I felt normal, which by my definition is pain free.

Last Friday I made the commitment to do a 30 day challenge. I am determined to practice Bikram yoga everyday for 30 days. I'm on Day 5 now and the results are nothing less than amazing. I've been pain free for 5 days. I'm sleeping again and sleeping well. My headaches and migraines are gone. I feel energized and my brain is finally out of my fibro fog. I don't need any more proof that this practice can work wonders for the body.

One of my favorite parts of Bikram is the encouragement and sense of community. I could have cried the first time I heard the instructor say, "no one can take this away from you." How true. No one can take away the effort and hard work I put into my practice and no one can take away the healing this practice has brought to me.

Here's to 30 days of healing. My goal is to update a few more times during this challenge. I'm so excited to see what Bikram yoga can do to my body in 30 days :)


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