Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Life of a Fire Wife

Last week we celebrated two years of marriage. Wow! Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday I walked down the aisle to my handsome firefighter in his Class A as we dedicated our lives to each other and celebrated our love with our friends and family. The moment I said "I Will" I became a part of a special group of women. I became a Fire Wife.

Almost a year ago I came across a Facebook group called "Firefighter Wives". I quickly fell in love with this group. For the first time ever, I felt like someone finally understood the firefighter lifestyle we live everyday. This group has now evolved into the "Fire Wife Sisterhood" through These ladies make me laugh, they make me cry, but most of all, they give me hope and encouragement on the days that aren't so easy. Like today. This has been on of the longest shift weeks ever. Tyler normally works three 24 hours shifts this week. He also picked up an additional 12 hour shift this evening. Between his and my schedule, I will see him late tomorrow evening and finally get to spend the day with him on Sunday. That's 96 hours apart. It's enough to make anyone a little emotional. But back to my fire wife sisters. Yesterday I posted an update and got back several encouraging responses that uplifted and encouraged me to make it through these next few days. Thank God for this group. Their entire purpose is to strengthen Fire marriages and they're doing just that.

This lifestyle can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. For me, being a Fire Wife is a purpose I am fulfilling. There is no greater joy in my life than loving on this man I call my husband. Even though it's a lot of work, I don't mind cooking two meals the night before his shift. For the most part it doesn't bother me being alone every 3rd day. Yes, I miss him terribly, but I know he's fulfilling his purpose and living his dream.  I learned to be very independent before we were married, which makes it easier for him to do his job and not have to worry about me.
(Tyler is the one with his flashlight shining)

To the people on the outside looking in, they see me as the wife coming to church alone every 4th Sunday and on holidays. Yes, I have my family there, but my husband isn't there. It's just not the same. I go to functions alone and carry a smile on my face the entire time when really I wish he were right beside me to share those moments. With all the holidays that get interrupted we've learned to ignore dates and celebrate on our own terms. This picture is from our First Christmas as husband and wife. Tyler was on shift that day and I came to the station for their Christmas dinner. We've definitely learned to adjust and enjoy the time we have with each other, even if it's not on the exact date of a certain holiday or occasion.

I've learned many hard, yet wonderful lessons from this Fire Wife life.
1. Shift days are meant to be productive in the house. However, eating cereal for dinner is also very productive :)
2. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, especially with strawberry cake cookies. Engine 28 is spoiled constantly with baked goods.
3. Nothing positive comes from worrying. Remember he's well trained and his brothers have his back.
4. Be FireStrong, because some days it's all you have left.
5. He'll always be a hero. My hero.

So here's to 2 years as an official Fire Wife. And to make it really official, Tyler got me special license plates for our anniversary :) Oh how I love my Firefighter <3


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