Tuesday, October 23, 2012

All Dogs Go To Heaven

Today was one of the hardest days I've ever went through. It's always hard losing someone you love, but it's especially hard when that someone was your first best friend and companion for 17 years. Today our sweet little Tynie took his last breaths in my arms and gained his angel wings. I have truly been blessed with the opportunity to hold both of my boys during their last moments on this Earth. I feel that Buster must have needed him up there more than we needed him down here. I'm so happy that they have been reunited after being apart for over a year.
I wanted to share what I was thinking during those last moments with him. A wise vet once told me that she had a client who's son had went through with a surgery and died on the operating table. The doctor's were able to revive him and when he woke up he told his family what he saw during the brief time he left Earth. The first thing he saw was light. He described Heaven as being full of light. The second thing he experience was complete serenity and peace. The final thing he saw was his dog.
That's all the proof I need. All dogs go to Heaven. Letting go of Tynie and Buster has been the hardest thing my family has ever had to experience. But I rejoice in knowing that both of my boys are running in Heaven cancer free and that we will meet again.
In Loving Memory of Tynie Pierre Francios Sager
September 27, 1995 - October 23, 2012

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