Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fullfilling My Promise to God

Twelve years ago, on my tenth birthday, I was standing on the dirt track of the Rockingham County Fairgrounds staring at a candle lit white bag with my Papa's name on it. As tears ran down my face I made one simple promise to God. I prayed, "God, one day I will help find a cure for cancer." The luminaria bag that I wept beside that night wasn't the only one lit on the track. It was actually one of several hundred. Each luminaria bag represented one person affected by cancer. I had finally made the realization that I wasn't the only one struggling with the loss of a loved one who had been taken by cancer. I didn't know how I was going to be a part of the movement against cancer, but I knew I was going to do something to fight this dreaded disease.

Fast forward eleven years. Once again, I'm standing on the paved track at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds staring at a candle lit white bag with my Papa's name on it. This time I have placed several around it. Cancer is continuing to spread amongst my family,  friends, and even my beloved dogs. I think back to the promise I made to God eleven years early. It occurs to me that I'm beginning to fulfill my promise. The next morning I congratulate teams for raising over $65,000 on stage as the Event Co-Chair. I have this overwhelming feeling of joy and accomplishment as we clean up the fairgrounds and make our way home to sleep for the next 24 hours. However, a part of me is yearning to do more.

Fast forward to last Wednesday. At 12:18 I receive a call that changes my life. A talent recruiter with the American Cancer Society calls to offer me a position as the Relay For Life Specialist for Augusta County, Mary Baldwin College, and Charlottesville. At that moment I realize that my promise to God is finally coming to full fruition.

It occurred to me last night as I was sharing my great news with my Harrisonburg/Rockingham committee that I can't take sole ownership of this opportunity. As I watched their reaction, full of tears and smiles, I realized that these volunteers have catapulted me to where I was meant to be. Because of them I am who I am today. Because of them I have become the leader I was meant to be. Because of them I have this desire to eliminate cancer as quickly as possible.

During my interview last Tuesday, I shared my Relay story with my hiring manager. At the end of my story she told me that my Papa would have been very proud of me. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. I know he would have been beaming if I were able to share this news with him in person. The whole reason I have fought so hard is because my Papa was taken away from me over 12 years ago. I believe with all my heart that his death was not in vain, but a way for God to bring my to my purpose. God works in very wonderful and mysterious ways.

The biggest lesson I have learned throughout this entire journey is to have faith. I know that I was meant to find a cure for cancer. Last year during Tyler's recovery I learned that I wasn't in control of my own life. God is in control of my life. Once I handed all of these important decisions over to him, life became a lot easier and my purpose was revealed.

Now it's time for some kudos to those who have made me who I am on this journey.

To my dear husband, Tyler. Thank you for your patience with me on this journey. Here's to a new chapter of our lives <3

To Heather, my beloved friend and Co-Chair, seven years ago you believed in my idea of creating a Relay For Life team for Broadway High School. That belief has taken us to a very exciting chapter in our lives. I couldn't have made it through the last few years with out you. I couldn't think of a better person to be on this journey with. <3

To my Planning Committee, you all have made me into the leader I am today. You have taught me patience and how to work with others to meet a common goal. You are home to me.

And to all my friends and family, your support means the world to me.

So here's to a very new and exciting journey. I am thrilled to be starting my new career with the American Cancer Society. I have complete faith that a cure will be found during my life time.

Relay Blessings,