Monday, May 6, 2013

Here's to 21 Years of...

As my 22nd birthday approaches on Saturday, I can't help but look back at the last 21 years and evaluate how I've spent them. In April, my friend Frankie lost his life in a car accident. He was 20. Just a year younger than me. He had so much life ahead of him. For weeks I struggled with the fact that the good die young. As I read his obituary and attended his funeral service I couldn't help but think of what my obituary would say; or what people would say at my funeral. Weird I know. But when you see someone so young leave this Earth, the contemplation of how you've spent you life hits you hard.

This contemplation took several weeks to get through, but in the end I'm beyond happy with how I've spent the first 21 years of my life. Some will probably see this post as a brag on Kelsey post. But for me, it's an acknowledgement of how far I've come. Let's start from the beginning.

My mother brought me, Kelsey Janee Sager, into this world on May 11, 1991 at 12:07 p.m. I was 5 weeks early and my Mom had been in labor for over 36 hours. When I was finally born I was purple, severely bruised and my left foot was turned sideways. My Mom quickly got her vengeance on the doctor by kicking him as hard as should could. By leaving me in the birth canal for that long, he could have killed me. And he knew it. That doctor soon lost his licence to practice medicine. Jerk.

Because of the craziness that happened during my delivery, my sideways foot left me unable to walk until 13 months old. The trauma is also to blame for my fibromyalgia. However, we made the most of it. I soon became a normal kid who pretended the pain wasn't there. My childhood was pretty normal. I played basketball, soccer, and immersed myself in school. I hid behind my grades and teachers as I was bullied throughout elementary school. I tried to find myself in middle school but was still labeled as the nerd with glasses and braces. Middle school was unpleasant.

In high school I finally found myself. I played varsity tennis all four years and realized the only opinion that mattered was mine. I was still the straight A student but found my love for community service. I also found the love of my life. I was blessed to be able to experience Massanutten Regional Governor's School and become a student at Bridgewater College during my senior year. After four years of working my tail off, I was named class Valedictorian and received a full scholarship to Bridgewater College. I had it all and then some.

Fall 2009 was a time of new beginnings. On September 1st I started my freshman year at Bridgewater College and on September 9th Tyler asked me to marry him. Words can't even describe the looks and snickers I got as a freshman walking around with an engagement ring on my finger. At times the words hurt; that we were too young and wouldn't make it. People didn't understand that our age didn't make a difference to us. We had been together for four years. Tyler had a full time job. I was working 3 jobs and going to school full time to graduate in 2.5 years. We could do it.
Two years later we tied the knot on September 10, 2011; which also happened to be the first week of my last semester at Bridgewater College. That semester tested everything I had in me. I was working 25 hours a week and attempting to graduate with honors. On December 16th I graduated from Bridgewater College with a 3.9 GPA and magna cum laude.
In the midst of graduating, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and hypermobility syndrome on April 26, 2012. It took over a decade to get this diagnosis. My rheumatologist pretty much gave me a death sentence. He prescribed me 5 different medications, told me to stop running, and take it easy. Who was he trying to kid. I only took one of the prescriptions, an emergency muscle relaxer and gave him a kiss my ass look. Three weeks later I ran my first half marathon. Anger kept me going through those 13.1 miles. I was in pain, but I was going to prove him wrong. For the next nine months I struggled with the diagnosis. I was denied life insurance and deemed chronically ill. By Christmas I was going through the most difficult fibro flare of my life. (Did I mention that in the middle of this fibro flare, Tyler was recovering from a wrist fusion, couldn't work for 5 months, and we still payed $3,000 in medical bills!) I sought help from a massage therapist and that's when I saw the light. In the middle of the massage she began to tell me that she could feel the fibromyalgia in my back. She also explained that some believe fibromyalgia is a spectrum. Not every one's condition is the same. I came to accept that and was determined to put myself in remission. After two months of Bikram hot yoga, clean eating, and several handfuls of supplements a day, I claimed remission. I ran my second half marathon in April 2013 pain free.

For the last year, I have made the commitment to serve as Event Co-Chair for the Harrisonburg/Rockingham Relay for Life. I'm bound and determined to help find a cure for cancer. At my first Relay for Life event 12 years ago, I made a promise to God that I was going to make a difference in the fight against cancer. This promise has led me to event co-chair. Serving as event co-chair as been one of the most trying yet humbling and amazing experiences of my life. I can't bare to see another one of my friends or family or dogs endure cancer. I'm blessed to have my co-chair Heather, who's been there for me every step of the way during this journey. One year down, one to go!
And that brings me to today. I'm a half marathon running wife in remission, that sped through my undergraduate degree in 2.5 years, and is out to find a cure for cancer prove to the world that age is just a number. I have come to realize that I'm not your normal 21 year old. I have my parents to thank for my determination and strength. I've had several people ask me why I've chosen the path I've taken. Yes I'll admit, I missed the whole college experience. I never partied in high school or college. I stayed at home and studied while cooking dinner for my husband. I honestly wouldn't have had it any other way. In my eyes, my life is exactly how I want it to be. I have an amazing firefighter husband, incredible friends, and a life I look forward to waking up to every morning. If today were my last day, I would be completely content with all I've done thus far.