Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Date Challenge

A few weeks ago while I was browsing Pinterest, I ran into a post by a blogger that had 52 date night ideas. She challenged her husband to one date night a week. Most of the ideas are pretty inexpensive, yet super fun. Which is right up our alley! I fell in love with this post and began planning our upcoming date nights.

Pinned Image

Truth is, we haven't been on a date since before we were married! No joke. Our first year of marriage has been nothing but bliss, but we honestly haven't had time to work on us. It hasn't been that big of a deal because we've had the last 6 years to work on us. This last year has thrown a lot at us. Between job changes, moving into our new home, graduating from college, half marathon training, fire company meetings, Relay meetings, constant doctor's visits, and 2 full time jobs and 4 side jobs between the two of us; life has been crazy! When I saw that post I decided that enough is enough. We are making time for one date night a week. We have put off working on our marriage too long and now is the perfect time to start. I'm beyond excited about this new journey!
