Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Big Apple!

You'll have to excuse me for not posting in forever! Life has been crazy busy and hasn't given me a break since before Christmas! With interterm (Bridgewater's 3 week class) starting full speed on January 3rd, the only thing that has been on my mind is Fashion (my class was Fashion Marketing/Merchandising) and my week long trip, or should I say adventure, in the Big Apple! The trip is the only thing that got me through this intense two week fashion class. I basically had to learn a semesters worth of material in two weeks!

After finishing the in class portion of the course, we were headed off to New York City! For the next five days, I toured more art, fashion, and design museums than I know existed and went into complete culture shock! But, what do you expect when you take a small town country girl and stick her in one of the largest cities in the U.S. There is no way I can possibly list and post pictures of everything I did, but here are just a few of my favorites from the trip. On our second night there, Jessica, Laura, and I went to the top of the Rockefeller Center (which is taller than the Empire State building). We went up 70 floors in 46 seconds!

One of the coolest things about being in New York is that I was constantly seeing fire engines and the stations along the street. I took way too many pictures to bring home to Tyler and was constantly yelling, "Fire truck!" The girls laughed at me throughout the trip for this, but that's what happens when you about to marry a firefighter (fire engines are always on your mind and their sounds are always ringing in your ears!). I also had the opportunity to see the firefighter memorial near Ground Zero, which was such a moving experience. I didn't think I'd get as emotional as I did, but I couldn't help thinking about Tyler and if that had been him. Here's a picture of the 9/11 Memorial wax display at Madame Tussuad's in Times Square.

Another once in a lifetime experience I had in NYC was getting the opportunity to go to Good Morning America! As we stood outside in line, the snow was falling softly on Times Square. It was such a beautiful sight! After watching the show, we were able to meet Robin Roberts and the rest of the crew. While we were taking pictures with Robin, she said that she liked my pink breast cancer awareness jacket! I could have died! I had the biggest grin on my face as I said thank you!

And last, but certainly not least, I made a very special purchase in NYC on Fifth Avenue. I'll give you a hint, it comes in a little blue box with a white ribbon. Any guesses? That's right, Tiffany & Co.! I was beyond excited and in a state shock when I walked in there to purchase my wedding band! Now, you'll have to wait until September to see it, but I'll show you the cute little box it came in :)
Overall, my trip to NYC was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. I had a blast exploring the city with some of my best friends from Bridgewater and had many once in a life time opportunities :)